Night At The Movies Podcast

Episode 8: "Euphoria" S2 Episode 3/4, "The King's Man" Review

• fanciedflick • Season 1 • Episode 8

Happy Valentines Day y'all! In this special episode of Night At The Movies, NATM hosts Bailey Phenicie and Colton Miyasato talk "Euphoria" S2 Episode 3 and 4. then wrap up with the movie we have all been waiting for...."The King's Man"....jk. If you were looking forward to this movie like we were, sorry. But you came to the right place as Phenicie and Miyasato do not hold back on why this movie was a miss. 

As interesting as this week's watches were, we still aim to answer every viewer's dying questions: How far can Cassie be pushed? What happened to Cal's third son? When will Euphoria actually tell a story? Why did the Shepherd's reveal suck? Why was Rasputin a freak? Did Orlando really need to create the Kingsman?

In celebration of V-day, the Night At The Movies Podcast is running a give away! Be sure to listen closely as we explain how you can win FOUR free movies. 

Happy listening!